Legal warning

1. Introduction

In compliance with the duty of information contained in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, Abraham Rodríguez is declared the owner of the website below, with address for these purposes in Huelva and email

2. Responsibility

The content is based on the experiences of the Andalucía Vibes team traveling throughout the autonomous community of Andalusia.

Andalucía Vibes is in no case responsible for any damage that may arise from the use of the information and content of the website.

Andalucía Vibes is not responsible for the opinions of third parties expressed in the comments. If any of these opinions are considered offensive they will be deleted immediately.

Andalucía Vibes will do everything possible to ensure the proper functioning of the website, however, it is not responsible or guarantees that access will not be uninterrupted or that it will be error-free. Likewise, it is not responsible for technical defects, whatever their nature.

In general, Spanish legislation will apply to the resolution of all problems related to the Andalucía Vibes website or the activities carried out therein, to which the parties expressly submit.

3. Conditions of use

These General Conditions regulate the use of the Andalucía Vibes website, including the content and services made available on it.

The user acknowledges and accepts that access and use of the website and the contents included therein takes place freely and consciously, under the user’s exclusive responsibility.

The use of the Andalucía Vibes website implies full acceptance by the user of all the General Conditions of Use in force at each time the user accesses it, so if you do not agree with its content you must refrain from doing so. use of the web.

The user undertakes to make appropriate and lawful use of the website and the contents, in accordance with applicable legislation, these General Conditions of Use, generally accepted morality and good customs and public order. Andalucía Vibes reserves the right to withdraw access to the website, without prior notice, to any user who contravenes the provisions of this legal notice.

In any case, Andalucía Vibes reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation and configuration of the website, as well as these General Conditions or the corresponding Specific Conditions.

4. Content License

All industrial and intellectual property rights of this website, as well as the elements contained therein and on its web pages (including, but not limited to, graphic design, source code, logos, content, images, texts, graphics, illustrations, photographs, databases and other elements that appear on the website), unless otherwise indicated, are the exclusive property of Andalucía Vibes, or of third parties if specified by means of a signature or mention.

The contents (text and images) that you can find on comply with the Creative Commons license “by-nc-nd 4.0” (Attribution – Non-Commercial – No Derivative Works), under which:

If you want to use one of our photographs or montages on a blog or non-commercial website, you can do so, as long as: (a) you cite the source (“Andalucía Vibes”, with link to the original article) and (b) you do not modify it (cuts, add elements, alter colors, etc.), except to change the size and adjust it to the dimensions of the blog or page.

If you want to link to one of our articles, you can cite the source (“Andalucía Vibes”, with a link to the original article) and use your own text (not ours) to present it. Please note that the text cannot include any paragraph from our article or a literal copy of any of its sentences.

The user may only and exclusively access such elements and services for personal and private use, therefore, the use of all or part of the contents of this website and web pages belonging to it for public or commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. , its distribution, public communication, including the method of making it available, as well as its modification, alteration or decompilation unless there is express written consent from the owner of the website.

5. Cookies

Andalucía Vibes uses its own and third-party cookies to help analyze the user’s use of the website and improve its usability and achieve a better browsing experience. At all times, the information collected is anonymous. By accessing the Andalucía Vibes website and continuing browsing we inform you that these cookies will be installed.

Andalucía Vibes contains external links to other pages in which it does not approve, supervise or control in any way the contents and services and any material of any nature existing therein.

The inclusion of any link does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorse the opinions expressed therein. Andalucía Vibes is not responsible in any way for any loss or damage that the third party may cause to the visitor by using an external website.

7. Comment Policy

Andalucía Vibes has a comment system through which the user can express their free and open opinion in each of the articles and pages published on the website.

Andalucía Vibes reserves the right to moderate and not publish comments that are considered spam or are offensive and insulting.

Although the purpose of the comment is free, it is suggested that they be related to the topic discussed in the article where the comment is published. Andalucía Vibes will ultimately make the final decision on questionable comments.

Andalucía Vibes will not tolerate racist, xenophobic, discriminatory comments of any kind (age, sex, religion, etc.), with personal attacks, or that contain insults.

Andalucía Vibes has a spam detection system – comments from trolls, links to phishing websites, sales, etc. – supplemented by a manual review of published comments. We reject spam and those who promote it or profit from it.

Andalucía Vibes does not support the repeated publication of identical or similar content in a counterproductive manner. This includes posts that promote services or products or links to websites that promote services or products.

Andalucía Vibes respects the freedom of expression of its readers and comments with criticism or disagreement regarding what is stated in an article will not be deleted as long as they are made with respect and in accordance with these rules.

Andalucía Vibes respects the privacy of its users. The data requested to make a comment (mandatory: name or nickname, email – not visible to the rest of the readers; optional: website if you have it and wish to indicate it) are done for the sole purpose of verifying that the write is a natural person and not a robot programmed to spread spam.

With respect to the data provided by the author of the comment for the purposes already mentioned, Andalucía Vibes will under no circumstances provide it to third parties; it will not be used for commercial purposes or “spamming.” These data are private, only the author of the blog has access to them and agrees not to reveal them to anyone or to contact the reader privately.

Andalucía Vibes will not verify the authenticity or otherwise of the data provided since, as we have indicated, its only function is to combat spam and bad manners.

Any user may request the deletion of their comment or identifying data by sending the relevant documentation to

In the event that a reader participates in a raffle organized by Andalucía Vibes and that is based on leaving the answer to a question or similar in the form of a comment, the reader agrees to be contacted by email only and exclusively if they are a winner. and only for that purpose.

Andalucía Vibes makes a Contact Form available to readers in case they want to raise questions not related to the topic of an article or that, due to their length, exceed the reasonable limits of a comment. Users can freely use this contact form to contact Andalucía Vibes, submit their complaints, suggestions or queries.

8. Protección de datos

Visiting the website does not mean that the user is obliged to provide information of any kind. But in the event that you provide any personal information, through the contact form, the subscription form, or through comments or other means, Andalucía Vibes undertakes to respect your confidentiality and use them in accordance with the purpose of same, as well as to adapt all measures to avoid alteration, loss, unauthorized treatment or access, in accordance with the provisions of current data protection regulations. The personal data provided will be kept until its deletion is requested by the interested party.

Andalucía Vibes will never share data from website users with third parties unless users have been previously informed and we have their express authorization.

The user has access at all times to their personal data, and can exercise the right to request the modification, limitation or elimination of the information provided, as well as manage their cancellation directly, or by request by e-mail to

Personal data collected by Andalucía Vibes and its purpose and processing

These are the different ways in which private user data is required:

Contact form: The personal information required is name and email. The purpose is to give the possibility of contacting the blog editor quickly and easily, for any type of doubt or query. The email will reach our email account.

Consulting form: The personal information required is name and email. In this case the purpose is to request information about our travel consulting service. Like the previous one, the email will reach our email account.

Post comment form: Personal data corresponding to comments related to published posts is also collected. In this case, a name and email are required.

Subscription to the newsletter: only the personal email is requested. The data you provide me will be located on the servers of Mailchimp (as an email marketing provider) located outside the EU in the US. Mailchimp is covered by the EU-US Privacy Shield agreement, approved by the European Data Protection Committee. See Mailchimp privacy policy.

You can see more information here: privacy policy

9. Intellectual and industrial property rights

Through these General Conditions, no intellectual or industrial property rights are transferred over the portal or over any of its component elements, and the user is expressly prohibited from reproducing, transforming, distributing, publicly communicating, making them available to the public. , extraction, reuse, forwarding or use of any nature, by any means or procedure, of any of them, except in cases where it is legally permitted or authorized by the owner of the corresponding rights.

The user knows and accepts that the entire website, containing without limitation the text, software, content (including structure, selection, arrangement and presentation thereof), photographs, audiovisual material and graphics, is protected by trademarks, copyrights. and other registered legitimate rights, in accordance with international treaties to which Spain is a party and other property rights and laws of Spain.

10. Contact address

If any user has any questions about these General Conditions or any comments about the portal, please contact